Web Zap*Germs Archive

May 21, 2005

EU Ban on Antibiotic Animal-Feed Additives Opens Door for Probiotics

Beginning in 2006, farmers in European Union nations will be banned from using antibiotics in animals' feed. Probiotic supplements will take their place, however, says Food Production Daily. The probiotic additives not only prevent the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, in some cases they actually reduce animal deaths:
The EU approved BioPlus 2B for use in pig feed last year. The additive contains naturally occurring probiotic bacteria and is intended to help increase weight gain. It was the first microbial feed additive to obtain approval by the EU for any animal feed, Chr. Hansen says. Tests indicate pig mortality is reduced to about seven per cent from the average 12 per cent when sows are fed rations with BioPlus 2B.


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