Web Zap*Germs Archive

June 10, 2005

HIV Treatment As Effective in Poor Countries as in Rich

From Medical News Today:
"Some have raised doubts that countries with extremely limited health care resources can effectively manage the complexities of antiretroviral therapy [ART]. But the new review of 10 medical studies on HIV treatment programs in the developing world showed that about 57 percent of patients had an undetectable level of HIV in their blood one year after starting ART, which is comparable to that in the developed world."

Will this knowledge have any effect on how HIV/AIDS-directed funds are spent in the developing world, or on the amount of funding needed to combat AIDS there?

If the number of new AIDS cases is "accelerating" around the world, but is being treated equally well in the most- and least-advanced nations, then shouldn't much more money be spent on educating people to change behaviors that spread the disease, to behaviors that don't?

I'm talking radical stuff here, folks: Abstinence, followed by Monogamy, followed by Faithfulness = End of New HIV Infections. (I said it was radical.)

Aren't some behaviors worth committing to, in order to save lives?

[Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam.]


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