Web Zap*Germs Archive

April 26, 2005

UK Nurses Want Clean Uniforms for Each Shift - to Fight MRSA

Nursing leaders in the UK have proposed a ten-point plan to reduce nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections, and having clean uniforms is among their recommendations. Arguing that nurses should be able to change and wash their soiled uniforms at the hospital after each work shift, the Royal College of Nursing is recognizing research showing that health workers' clothing can spread antibiotic-resistant superbugs and other harmful bacteria between patients.

Reform is rarely free, of course. The RCN estimates it will require 400,000 extra uniforms to comply with their request, at a cost of 4.8 million pounds (US$9.15 million).

Update 27 Apr 05: RCN has established a Web presence for their "Wipe It Out" anti-MRSA program, being established with several partners.


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